Another Great Idea

You remember how I threatened to shoot a deer if you fail to comment?? Well, I thought of an even better idea. You see, my head is always overflowing with new, great ideas. Like when I was really small and I decided that I wanted to be a boy when I grew up, or the time I decide to ride our cow and it threw me over the roof (On the brighter side, it really got a thorough beating from my dad), or this other time I tried taking brownies and ended up in the hospital (not to forget the fact that I stormed into one of the rooms and warned the nurses to respect my privacy; stop stalking me on facebook, they did not even know my name!!). And the latest is the time I decided that I wanted a baby.

If you’ve ever been to a church, even once, you might have heard that one gets what he/she asks for. If you didn’t hear it from the sermon, then it was from a song and if not, then from one of the prayers. Anyway, having announced it on facebook, I got very many offers for ‘you know what’ from the men and I got confused. But God does not live in Kariokor, and he heard my prayers! Just a week later, we got a kid at home. And by home, I mean my grandparents place. Not the small kind of kids that cry all the time, or the big ones that can bite (actually this one is at that stage where they really bite, but she’s not tried it on me yet), but the kind that sit on the floor when you try to pull them to the table to make then eat greens!!!

It took me just two days to get her talking (it took others about two weeks), and a week to convince her that she’s mine. I had to buy my way into the second phase, enticing her with candy and such things! I’m not complaining though and my project baby is going on fine!

And like all my great ideas, something started going wrong! She won’t be tucked in bed by anyone else!

This is what happens when grandma tries taking her to bed.
Because she likes it this way!

See, my ideas turning bad.

Just like when I was lonely and decided to be receiving consolation hugs from the dog when I got home. It was really good at first until it started raining. And with the rain came the mud. And now as much as it hurts me, I have to do this.

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Back to my shooting a deer, my great idea is, you have to comment to get access to my next post. I’ll send you the password when you do. And that’s a threat!! 😀

Anyway, Since I know this idea will fail like all my other ideas, I’m off to wax my gun!

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