planning, development of water assets, as well as the efficient and
economic provision of water and sanitation services in their area of
While the Water Services Boards have been implementing
projects with and through various actors, there are no sufficient facts
that form a basis for the planned projects, target areas, expected
benefits and measurable outcomes at the end of the project. This has
therefore made it increasingly difficult to accurately inform the
coverage achieved so far from the projects implemented. In addition,
there has not been uniform basis for project planning and
implementation. For this reason, the need to facilitate the investment
planning of the WSBs became obvious.

GIZ Water Sector Reform Programme has been supporting the sector reform
mainly through capacity building of the new institutions among them the
Water Services Boards whose responsibility is investment planning,
asset development and efficient and economic provision of water and
sanitation services in their respective areas.
To assist the Water
Services Boards in formulating investment proposals and to monitor
project implementation and progress in coverage, of both water and basic
sanitation, GIZ designed and developed WaSBIT according to the
requirements determined by regional and national stakeholders in the
water sector. The tool was intended to provide an appropriate baseline
to commence the progressive realization of the right to water and
sanitation as provided for in the constitution of Kenya 2010.
It would also help in project conceptualization, planning,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects and progressively
measure impacts of such projects through increased coverage in board
areas. In so doing, the tool would align respective Water Services
Boards with the national goal of measuring progressive realization of
water for all, as enshrined in the COK 2010.
Every Drop Counts |
The Infrastructure Module
This is the module that holds information on water and sanitation
services in each and every sub-location under a Water Services Board’s
area of jurisdiction. The software then assigns a priority index to each
sub-location. The priority index is a number between 0 and 100 that
tells at a glance exactly how in need of an investment a sub-location
is. Four parameters are used to come up with this index:
- The water coverage
- The sanitation coverage
- Poverty index
- Population density
The Investment Module
The investment module generates investment proposals
The Monitoring Module
The monitoring module monitors the ongoing projects to completion.