Sharing the love

Most of the blogs I follow are personal blogs; apart from this one. It is a unique, niche blog. This lady’s sense of fashion will put those like me to shame.

It’s one of the fastest growing blogs in its niche. Click here to take a look if, and only if you want to look awesome.

There are hundreds of DIYs in there. You don’t believe me? Here’s the proof.

Yeah, I made those using one of her DYIs.

And so I got a link from this post. You can never get enough of these links. To explain to those who don’t understand why, I’d have to wear my engineering boots and bore you to death with a 19 pages post. I’ll save you the agony. Just know that we (bloggers) like them very much.

As usual, the instructions are as simple as chewing gum.

The Guidelines:

    1. Blogger is nominated by other blogger(s)


    1. Blogger publishes their 5 links on their blog and tweets the link with #My5Links


  1. The Blogger nominates five other bloggers to do the same.


It’s not the post with the highest traffic though.

  • Post that Didn’t Get The Attention It Deserved ~

This I posted in one of my other blogs. It got the traffic alright; the part I didn’t like is that it only earned me $5. I expected to win more. (Long story)

  • Post Whose Success Surprised Me ~

The search Engine traffic to this post still leaves me speechless. It was not an original post though, but the link worked wonders.

  • My Most Controversial Post ~ Hard to tell

I seriously don’t know.

  • Post I Am Most Proud Of ~ Blame it on facebook

I got personal on this one. I trashed it though several

The ones I’m proud of:  Several but from other blogs. Reasons: They earned me some cash!!! And yes, I’m a Kikuyu.

I now nominate:


I’ve been reading his blog all day. You can tell he’s a writer (Not just a guy with an itch to tell like Cess) from all the way.


This girl’s accomplishments will piss you off! Literally. Seriously, I never forgive people who get First Class Honors. She’s graduating today btw. Congrats dear.


I have a feeling that she writes while in a trance. It’s like she telling you, ‘Here’s what I think, now go think about it really hard for at least three days.’ That’s Wakarima for you.


One of my blogging students. I however forgot to teach him one very important lesson, ‘Whatever you do, don’t outshine your teacher. This means no updating more often than she does, no writing serious posts while she’s just playing around with hers, and most importantly, dont be more creative than she is.’ 🙂 Other than that small mis-understanding, I’m one proud teacher!

Eudiah Kamonjo

Now this was my teacher. One thing she taught me, ‘Don’t ask me what to write about, you just write. In time, you’ll find out what works for you.’

And I finally did.

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