Modern Mom Kenya Uncategorized NHIF Paybill Number|NHIF Payment Via Mpesa, Equitel and Airtel Money

NHIF Paybill Number|NHIF Payment Via Mpesa, Equitel and Airtel Money

With the NHIF paybill number, you  can now make your NHIF payment via Mpesa or Airtel Money straight from your phone. NHIF which stands for National Hospital Insurance Fund is a national health insurance parastatal that helps Kenyans have access to medical services at an affordable price. While they cover the entire bill in the public hospitals, the insurance covers the bed charges for those admitted in private and mission hospitals.Though the monthly payments are deducted directly from the payslip by the employer, self employed individuals can make their monthly contributions  though bank deposits or other means that are convenient for them.

NHIF payment through your phone is without doubt the easiest option. You can pay from the comfort of your house without having to waste your day queuing. Here’s how you use Mpesa and Airtel Money to make NHIF payments.

How to Pay for NHIF Bill Using NHIF Paybill Numbers for Mpesa, Equitel and Airtel Money

Pay NHIF Bill Through Mpesa Using NHIF Paybill 200222

1. Go to Mpesa menu and choose ‘Pay Bill‘ option
2. Key in the NHIF paybill number which is 200222
3. Key in your ID number
4. Key in the amount you wish to contribute
5.Key in your M-Pesa PIN.
6. Check again to ensure that you have input the correct information
7. Wait for a confirmation message

Pay NHIF Bill  via Airtel Money using Business Number 823263

  1. Select make payments from the menu
  2. Go to pay bill
  3. Select other
  4. Enter the NHIF paybill number as
  5. Type in the amount
  6. Enter your secret pin
  7. The reference is your ID number
  8. Hit ‘Send’

Pay NHIF Bill though Equitel Money Using NHIF Paybill Number

  1. Select ‘My Money’ on your Equitel Menu
  2. Choose ‘Send/Pay’
  3. Select the account you wish to pay from
  4. Select ‘Paybill’
  5.  Select ‘To Others’ then ‘Mpesa’
  6. Now that you have some money in your Mpesa account, follow the steps above to pay NHIF bill via Mpesa.

See Also: How to pay for Zuku via Mpesa

NHIF Rates

If you are reading this post, it is easy to assume that you are self employed since people in employment have their NHIF deducted fro their payslip. The amount you contribute as an employed individual depends on how much you earn. Otherwise, self employed indiciduals are suppossed to contribute a constant Ksh. 500 shillings a month. You can see the updated NHIF rates below.

Gross Income
Monthly NHIF Premium
Ksh. 0 – Ksh. 5,999
Ksh. 150
Ksh. 6,000 – Ksh. 7,999
Ksh. 300
Ksh. 8,000 – Ksh. 11,999
Ksh. 400
Ksh. 12,000 – Ksh. 14,999
Ksh. 500
Ksh. 15,000 – Ksh. 19,999
Ksh. 600
Ksh. 20,000 – Ksh. 24,999
Ksh. 750
Ksh. 25,000 – Ksh. 29,999
Ksh. 850
Ksh. 30,000 – Ksh. 34,999
Ksh. 900
Ksh. 35,000 – Ksh. 39,999
Ksh. 950
Ksh. 40,000 – Ksh. 44,999
Ksh. 1000
Ksh. 45,000 – Ksh. 49,999
Ksh. 1100
Ksh. 50,000 – Ksh. 59,999
Ksh. 1200
Ksh. 60,000 – Ksh. 69,999
Ksh. 1300
Ksh. 70,000 – Ksh. 79,999
Ksh. 1400
Ksh. 80,000 – Ksh. 89,999
Ksh. 1500
Ksh. 90,000 – Ksh. 99,999
Ksh. 1600
Ksh. 100,000 and above
Ksh. 1700
Self Employed (special)
Ksh. 500

Read this post to get answers to NHIF frequently asked questions.

0 thoughts on “NHIF Paybill Number|NHIF Payment Via Mpesa, Equitel and Airtel Money”

    1. thankyou for your feedback. Well I paid one week ago and when I check my account I can see that they have not yet credit my account, so I don't know the reason why my contribution is not processed. thankyou.

    2. i think the issue here is that the steps prescribed to pay are abit different. payment should be paid to ID number not NHIF no. but payments made to NHIF no are still intact you need to visit NHIF office to change that

    1. penalties are there and are calculated as this way ; if you are self employed and you have not made your fisrt time payments for 10% of penalty and continues if if fail the second month.
      if you were initially paying and you stopped 4% penalty is imposed . for example if you have not paid for three months be assured of having around 225 penalty

  1. My NHIF card No is 0592780. I am a private contributor. I paid/renewed my contribution for this year on 30/10/15 through Mpesa at 2.14pm and I got an mpesa acknowledgment receipt no. JJU4CVNT7W. I am a Nairobi resident.
    Confirm whether my account was credited. I don't know how to check and I am away. Your toll number is impossible.

  2. Private contributor. What are the benefits for Old People when they are admitted.
    My father has been admitted, I would like to know how much is being paid for @ day and for which services

  3. I have a dependant, whats the requirements for me to register her, and after how long do I get her nhif card. Also, i lost my card, can i get a replacement?
    How much will I be contributing for my dependant per month?

    1. You visit any NHIF branch with er details like passport photo and copy ID. She will not get an Id if she's your dependant. She'll be using yours.

      For your lost card, you'll get another one for 200 shillings if you go with your ID.

      For your dependant's contribution, you will not have to pay anything extra. A;ll your dependants will be covered under your name.

      Please note: If you want her to be a member herself, you can register her on her own even though she's your dependant. She';ll get a card of her own and will be making contributions of 500 a month. If she adds you as her dependant as well, the two of you can use either card to access medical care. But registering both spouses is only necessary when both are employed since membership is compulsory for all employed Kenyans.

    1. I left employment in May and my employer was upto date with the payments, i have paid 500 for June contribution i just wnat to confirm this is in order?

  4. Hi modern mom, if I pay my late arrears using mpesa, how soon can I access nhif services? Your email is unaccessible from ur blog page.

  5. if ma mothers nhif card got lost and she doesnt contribute will she be fined for the months not contributed or i can apply anatha one

    1. She can get another card for 200 shillings. Tell her to visit any NHIF branch with her ID. And if she starts making her contributions again, she'll be able to use her card in 60 days

  6. Hi Modern MOM.
    I opened NHIF account 3 years ago and have not been paying the contributions. Advise me on whether i can still use the nhif account or i need to open another one.

  7. Hi – I called NHIF. ANd they say – if you are self employed and have not paid for a while, you pay for 3 months, ie Shs 1,500 at once then you will be reinstated on the scheme.

  8. How can I get my Nhif no? I lost my card and I have not been paying since I lost employment. I would like to pay the arrears and any penalty so I can be able to access the services. My ID no is 21944049. Kindly use that to help me with my Nhif no. Thanks

  9. IF you havent paid the dues for three months and you want to use the Card, you will be forced to pay 1500 that is 500/= per month that you missed plus the penalty of around 225/=
    after payment you will be sorted out immediately

  10. Hi my ID NUMBER IS 25272629 im self employed kindly update my contribution status my last three mpesa contributions have not yet reflected

  11. Am asking, if you have a relative like your uncle,aunt,sister or brother who doesn't have an i.d and at the same time he/she is of unsound mind BUT a cool and a non hostile individual and cannot determine importance of NHIF,can such a person be attached as one of the dependents to a registered contributor? If yes, whats the procedure.

  12. Kindly advise i have made several payment with NHIF number and ID no on the account option on Mpesa platform yet no update on NHIF please advise. Account number- ID 13355658, NHIF no. 1599353. I moved from employed status to self employed from January 2017.

  13. I was employed in a company but since october i havent be working today i payed for my NHIF CARD contribution 500/= how do i know if my payment have been processed because i wish to use tha card next week

  14. Hi,I recently paid for my mum her nhif contribution through mpesa but entered the membership number 6841888 instead of the ID number 2766333. Kindly can you check out and reverse it to her account.

  15. MAO9DF6KHN Confirmed. Ksh1,000.00 sent to NHIF E-WALLET for account 0720346346 on 24/1/18 at 1:51….This transaction has not been updated into my wallet…

  16. If l want to pay my nhif bill since l was at work and l need to update it how should l start paying since October 2016 to date

  17. Hey, thank you for the good information.My question, am trying to pay via mpesa but it has refused its telling me the format of my account number was incorrect and i have been using it previously bila shida what could be wrong?

  18. Hi, I requested for nhif card due to job pressure in 2016.i received the number but I quit job even before making any payments . I have never gone back to pick the card because am not employed. So will I be fined for December 2016 up-to date? If yes, how?

  19. hi after paying via mpesa, apart from the mpesa message, is there any other message that i receive from nhif to confirm the months that i have paid?

  20. This could include payments to an affiliate, a vendor, a retail company, another business entity or a consumer. Some companies make do with manual disbursements, but that process soon becomes expensive and ineffective as the company grows.

  21. Am a retired prison officer and would like to start contributing. How do I go about this and how much… I/D no is 5592077

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