One Painful Step at a Time
This is my first post this year. I’ve been on a much deserved break; everything from my body to the blog needed a reset. We are now well rejuvenated and ready to tackle 2017.

At some point in my course I would go up a steep hill. My goal would be to jog up the hill without stopping to the very top. It was easier said than done.
Day one I ran too fast and my energy ran out way too early. Day two I tried to be steadier and slower and almost made it to the top. Day three I concentrated on my breathing, listened to my pain while putting one foot in front of the other and managed to get to the top. The birds were cheering me on, I was panting, the wind was cooling the sweat on my face and cloths and it felt really, really good. It’s amazing what your body can do when you convince your mind.
In that moment I knew that’s how I wanted to deal with whatever life throws at me this year – with determination and focus. Whatever you’re working on in 2017, whether a business venture, weight-loss or your relationship with God, all you need to do is to make a conscious decision to do whatever it takes.
It might not happen as easily or as fast as you’d like, but if you keep at it, you will see results at the end of the day. Be like a river; it cares little about the obstacles it finds along its way. It will dig through hills, flow around boulders and even when you stop it by building a wall, you can be sure that one day it will stubbornly overflow and be on its way.
Here’s to trudging on no matter what and to a fruitful 2017!
Until we see each other again,