Modern Mom Kenya Uncategorized Mbagathi District Hospital Contacts | Contact Mbagathi District Hospital

Mbagathi District Hospital Contacts | Contact Mbagathi District Hospital

Mbagathi is a public hospital located in Kibera District near Kenyatta Market. The services offered in this hospital include but are not limited to family planning, immunization, antiretroviral therapy, HIV counselling and  and testing as well as curative in-patient services.

Here are the Mbagathi District Hospital Contacts for those who want to contact the hospital.

Mbagathi District Hospital Phone Contacts

Use these number to call:


Mbagathi District Hospital Physical Address

P.O.Box: 20725-00202 Kenyatta N. Hospital
Golf Course Estate, Nairobi, Kenya

Also see: Kikuyu Mission Hospital’s contacts

14 thoughts on “Mbagathi District Hospital Contacts | Contact Mbagathi District Hospital”

  1. Invitation at 3rd International Conference on Digital Pathology
    Aug 13-14, 2018 Madrid, Spain

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    We are honored to invite you to participate in the 3rd International Conference on Digital Pathology 2018, the largest medical conference in Madrid, which will be held from 13 to 14 August 2018. We offer you the opportunity to present your company to the numerous High-profile representatives of the scientific community who will be attending at the event by Cooperating with us and presenting a keynote talk or getting involved in sponsoring activities or as an Exhibitor to promote yourself.
    The promotional and advertising services to be provided by the organizers in each of the sponsorship options may be negotiated individually. We are convinced that the Sponsors’ participation in International Conference on Digital Pathology 2018 Madrid, Spain will result in a potent promotional effect. We are confident that it will serve your company well and that your involvement will turn out to be an attractive opportunity.


    Do not hesitate to reply back for further assistance.

    Best regards,
    Caroline Marks
    Program Manager
    Digital Pathology 2018

  2. My husband is an American who became ill after prolonged stay after an engine was stolen by local workers. Now he needs an operation and has no access to his funds in the US. While this is being worked out, the hospital is willing to let him die if he cannot get the payment prior to surgery.

  3. The nurses at the eye center admission room should go back to school or look for an alternative profession! A process that would have taken 15 minutes has taken one hour just because the file is not ready/surgical service pre-authorization form has not been filled up, 4 good days down the line. Before submitting the patient's file to billing, all documents should be in order-right? Then why submit the file if the file is not in order?

    Well find them discussing politics at 11am today on top of their voice thus not beeing keen on their mandate. I feel sorry the next patients.

  4. Hallo am Karanja a graduate with Bsc Biochemistry i have covered numerous units on clinical biochemistry and am interested applying for internship in your institution .Do you offer such ? thank you kindly reply to 0705912926.

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