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Where can I Buy the Perfect Breast Pump in Kenya?

There are many places where you can get the perfect breast pump. In Nairobi for instance, Biashara street is lined with many baby shops where you can get different types and brands. Your only issue will be choosing the right one, but we shall get to that in a bit. Though you can still get the same breast pumps in major supermarkets around  the country, I like baby shops because you get the customer care to help with demonstration and stuff while in the supermarkets you buy while it is still in the pack without knowing head or tail.

If you like the convenience of ordering for your breast pump and having it delivered right where you are, why don’t you try Jumia Kenya. They have a wide range of electric, manual and battery operated breast pumps.  They also stock Philips Avent Breast Pumps which are among the most popular breast pumps in the country.

Wondering where to start? Check out these resources:


Factors to consider when deciding on what breast pump to purchase

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Breast Pump

There are a number of factors you need to consider when deciding on what breast pump to purchase. The duration you will be away from the baby helps you decide whether to get a heavy duty kind of a pump or a simple manual one. The time on your hand is also something to keep in mind. While it takes a very short time to pump milk using some pumps, others especial the manual ones can only empty one breast at a time doubling the amount of time taken. The privacy of your pumping space is also an issue. In an office for instance, an electric pump can be too noisy.

Manual Pumps

These are inexpensive, convenient, portable and most mimic a baby’s suckling. I used Phillips Avent when I went back to work and it worked great. It easily fit in my bag, was comfortable to use and was very quiet; a quality I appreciated very much. It was also affordable.The one thing I did not like so much was the fact that the pumping action really hurt my wrists. I had to pump a single breast at a time and I realized that by the time I was done with the right one, the letdown would not be as strong for the second one. Over time, my left breast produced less milk. I know I could have alternated, but when I started with the left one I did not get as much milk as I wanted.Manual pumps are perfect for a stay at home mum who is not going to be away for long and one that does not need to express so frequently.

Battery Operated Pumps

These are a little faster and more expensive than their manual counterparts. They are also one sided and you need to keep replacing the batteries. The good thing about them is that they are not tiresome to use, are portable and can be used by working mothers who are away from their babies for longer.

Some even have adjustable suction which is always a good thing.

Electric Pumps

Of the three, electric pumps are the most expensive. They are also the most reliable. Pumping takes a very short time as you pump both breasts at the same time. This cuts the time in half. It also ensures that both breasts are emptied completely thus preventing the problem I mentioned earlier.Some models are programmed to start with a strong suck so as to trigger letdown and then reduce the strength as the milk starts flowing. This is just as your baby would do and you ultimately end up producing more milk.

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