What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag

I just came across this informative inforgraphic by Copy Cat Chic about what to pack in your hospital bag as you prepare for the birth of your child. I hope you find it helpful.
For Mama
1. robe | a cute robe to cover up that hospital gown
2. nursing pajamas | one pair of decent looking pjs for company or pictures
3. cardigan | for the going home outfit, if it’s chilly outside
4. nursing top | better start getting used to wearing these, part of the new uniform
5. nursing bras | comfy sleep nursing bras
6. shrink those hips | have to try this gadget this time around!
7. slippers | washable slippers with rubber soles for getting around
8. comfy pants | for going home in, stick with maternity for awhile
9. slip on boots | slip right on and super cozy

For the Bebe
10. carseat | goes without saying, we used this one with Arden
11. swaddle blankets | your own, so you don’t have to bring home any of the hospital’s
12. carseat footmuff | to keep baby cozy for the drive
13. hat | keep that noogin nice and warm
14. soft baby outfit | you want baby comfy & warm
15. socks | keep those tootsies toasty
16. mittens | protect baby from scratching themselves

17. toiletry case | a cute case is always nice
18. bottom balm | this helps so much
19. nipple butter | a nice natural alternative and great as lip balm too!
20. bottom spray | I LOVED this stuff when I had Arden
21. mama spray | keep Mama happy and refreshed
22. breast pads | just in case
23. hospital bag | gotta keep all this stuff somewhere!

24. headphones | for labor if you need to zone
25. camera | to capture the memories
26. bluetooth speaker | so you can listen to relaxing music during labor while your iphone is charging (so key!).

Don’t forget 
standard toiletries
iphone | ipad | chargers
playlists set up for labor
driver’s license
insurance card
cash for parking (just in case)
snacks for daddy & anyone laboring with you
treats for nurses as a thank you
birth plan if you have one


Other moms have added a few things that were left out in this infographic
  • A headband
  • Showering slippers

Until we see each other again, 

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