Modern Mom Kenya Cancer,Healthy lifestyle,Modern Mom,Obesity,Weight Loss,Women Research Weight Gain Over Time Increases Risk of Cancer by up to 50%

Weight Gain Over Time Increases Risk of Cancer by up to 50%

A research has shown that adding weight over a number of years increases the risk of getting obesity-related cancers by 20% in women and by 50% in men. The study monitored 300,000 Americans between ages 18 and 65 trying to find the link between obesity and cancer.

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During the study, some people added a little weight while others added a great deal of it. The participants were then followed an average of 15 years while cancer rates were recorded.

The study found that being overweight increased the risk of obesity related cancers such as womb and ovarian in women, as well as bowel, breast and pancreas in both men and women. Compared to the participants who remained in the healthy weight range, men whose BMI increased from 22 to 27 had a 50% increased risk while the women whose BMI increased from 23 to 32 had a 17% increased risk of developing these cancers.

It is therefore more important to look at the weight gain over a person’s lifetime when assessing the cancer risk as compared to checking their BMI at any single point, stated the lead scientist of the study, Dr Hannah Lennon, University of Manchester.

As much as it is not a guarantee against cancer, maintaining a healthy weight through a healthy lifestyle sure stacks the odds in anyone’s favor, not to mention the other numerous health benefits that comes with it.

Until we see each other again, 

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