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Warning: Why you Should Avoid Cellphones During Pregnancy

Everything can kill you these days; from meat to air, coffee to selfies. But did you know that frequent exposure to mobile phones and other electrical appliances increases the risk of miscarriages? This is according to a new study by Kaiser Permanente.

About 1,000 pregnant women from the San Francisco area took part in the study.They wore a device that monitored their EMFs (electromagnetic field radiation) over a 24-hour period. EMFs are normally generated by wireless devices, smart meter networks, smartphones, and cell towers.

The researchers later followed up with the women to find out whether their pregnancies were successful and the results indicated that the women with the highest EMFs exposure were almost 3 times more likely to miscarry that those with the lowest exposure. Other miscarriage risks like history of prior pregnancy failures and alcohol use were considered in the study that was published in the Scientific Reports Journal.

These findings are not definitive enough to prove that radiation exposure causes miscarriages and the authors said that the matter requires more extensive research urgently given how many people are exposed to EMFs in their daily lives. It is possible that other unknown factors could have influenced the women’s miscarriage risks.

Research into the health risks associated with EMFs and mobile phones have been mixed with some studies suggesting that there is no risk e.g. an earlier one that concluded that smartphones are safe during pregnancy, while others suggest that there are possible links to other illnesses including cancer.

As we wait for more conclusive studies, we can all do the little we can to reduce radiation exposure from our cell-phones by following these guidelines from the California Department of Public Health:

  • Keeping the phone away from the body 
  • Reducing cell phone use when the signal is weak
  • Reducing the use of cell phones to stream videos and audios, or to download/upload large files
  • Keeping the phone away from the bed at night
  • Removing the headset when not on a call
  • Avoiding products that claim to reduce radio frequency energy as they can actually increase your exposure
  • Avoid keeping your phone in the pockets

 A diaper at a time.,
Until we see each other again, 

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