Pregnancy Update: 15 Weeks pregnant

I am 15 weeks pregnant today. I’ve been using ‘My Pregnancy Today’ app by BabyCenter and it tells me that my baby now measures about 4 inches from the crown of her head to her bottom. In the next few weeks they’ll start giving measurements from the crown to the tiny little feet.

15 Weeks Pregnancy: This is how heavy my baby is today.

It is still hard to believe that the little things weighs as little as a chicken egg because I feel like it should be much bigger and heavier. I’m finding it harder and harder to pour my new-found curves into my normal cloths.

On a positive note though, it feels good to finally say that the nausea is behind me now. The bloating, frequent trips to the ladies, smell aversions and hunger pains are also gone. Most times I don’t even remember that I’m pregnant and that’s a very good thing. I love the second trimester!!

I’m now looking forward to the day I feel her move. Twice or thrice last week I thought I felt her kick. I could have been wrong. I however know that it’ll happen for sure in the next 3 weeks. I simply cannot wait.

Since most work as far as organs and body parts formation is done, it is now time for me and the baby to add some weight. I know that she’ll be tripling in size in the next few weeks. This time round, I’m not scared of the pounds pile up. I know that the extra weight will go with a little work and discipline later.

Have you noticed how I’ve assumed that the kid is a girl? Something tells me that it’ll be a girl. Boyfriend swears it’s a boy. Whatever the case, we’re just praying for a healthy baby.

My next antenatal clinic is sometime next week. We’re also to do a scan that same day. If we are lucky, we might even be able to learn the sex of the baby. Keep it here, and I’ll keep you posted.

Lovely day to you all.

Until we see each other again, 

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