Philips Avent Breast Pump Parts

If you ended up here, you probably own a Phillips Avent Breast Pump and one part has been damaged or lost. The good news is, you need not buy a new pump. It would be easier and a lot cheaper to just buy the missing or spoilt Phillips Avent breast pump parts for replacements. Here are the parts that are most likely to be purchased on their own. Simply click on the image or the corresponding link for the part that you are looking for.

See Also: Philips Avent Breast Pumps in Kenya


One of the Phillips Avent breast pump parts that is notorious for getting worn or damaged is the diaphragm. This Philips AVENT Comfort Breast Pump Diaphragm for Double and Single Electric Pumps replaces a worn or deteriorated diaphragm for the electric Avent breast pump. It is dishwasher safe and restores the entire breast pump to it’s original pick performance and suction power.
If you need to replace your pump, you can check out this list of electric breast pumps in Kenya


Philips AVENT Manual/Single Electric Diaphragms with Stems replaces diaphragms for the ISIS Manual Breast Pump and the ISIS iQ UNO Handheld Electric Breast Pump.
Philips AVENT Comfort Breast Pump Valves are other Phillips Avent breast pump parts that are available for replacement. It replaces valve for Philips Avent Comfort Breast Pumps (manual and electric).  It allows transfer of milk from pump to bottle, 100 percent BPA-free material and hand washable.
Philips AVENT Large Massage Cushion for Comfort Pumps, Clear, Large. This soft cushion massager has a wide funnel that is specifically designed for Mothers with larger nipples. It is used with the entire line of the comfort breast pump. The nipple should sit comfortably in the cushion funnel if you are using the correct size of the massage cushion.

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