HPV Test for Cervical Cancer Screening Now Available in Kenya

It is a well known fact that cervical cancer is the second killer cancer in Kenya after breast cancer. Caused by the Human Papiloma Viruses (HPV), the disease is the most common cancer among women between 15 and 44 years.

Advanced Cervical Cancer Screening in Kenya

Like many other degenerative diseases, detecting the cancer early maximizes the chances of treating it effectively. It is therefore unfortunate that only 4% of Kenyan women get cervical cancer screening. The tests are normally carried out by healthcare workers and involve examining and scraping cells from the cervix, an experience that can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing for most women.

A new FDA approved method has been introduced in the country by Lancet Pathologists to detect the presence of HPV before it can cause cervical cancer. The Cobas Molecular test works by detecting DNA of all high risk HPV that cause the cancer.

Since the method has the option of self collecting the cervical cells  at the comfort of their own homes before having them analyzed, it is a welcome advancement especially for the shy women who dread visits to the gynecologists.

The test is reliable, accurate and affordable for all women over 25 years, and is to be repeated every 3 to 5 years.

Until we see each other again, 

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