facts in an issue, a piece of writing or an idea. The essay is broken
down into parts all of which work together to support your stand on the
issue. To come up with a skilfully crafted analytical essay, there are
steps that need to be followed. These steps can be grouped into three
major phases:
• The pre-writing phase
• The writing of the essay
• The finalizing phase
Pre-writing the Essay
you can even begin writing your essay, there is need to understand the
objective of the assignment. Think about the topic you are to write
about carefully and take a stand. This involves coming up with a thesis
statement; a sentence summarizing your claim, while telling the reader
what the essay is all about. List down all the resources that support
your argument and how they do so. The next step involves coming up with
an outline that organizes your ideas in a logical manner. This will make
your work easier when you get down to the actual writing of the
analytical essay.
Writing the Essay
An analytical essay has three
main parts: an introduction, the body and the conclusion. The
introduction gives the topic’s background information. It contains the
thesis statement. It is followed by the body of your essay. Each
paragraph in the body should make a different argument that supports the
thesis statement. Remember to give the evidence that supports every
argument. The conclusion reminds the reader how the essay was able to
prove the argument. It summarizes all the ideas discussed in the
analytical essay and how they all supported the thesis statement.
Finalizing the Essay
phase involves proofreading the essay for grammar and spelling
mistakes. Reading the analytical essay out loud helps in pointing out
sentences, words and phrases that do not make sense. Having someone else
proofread your essay helps identify mistakes that you might have
Creating an analytical essay is not difficult. With a
topic in mind, all you need is to understand the purpose of the essay.
This helps in coming up with a claim. You should then come up with
articles, ideas and resources that support your argument. Finally,
ensure that you go through your essay very carefully before submission
to correct spelling as well as grammar mistakes.