How to Report a Power Outage Through PhoneYou can call KPLC through 0711 031000. I am however not such a fan of this method because it is not toll free and at times you need to wait for some minutes to be connected to the customer care.
Courtesy of KPLC |
How to Report a Power Outage Through Twitter
I like this method. You can tweet Kenya Power at their twitter handle @KenyaPower. It normally takes about 30 minutes to get a response since they get an overwhelmingly high amount of queries. It is easy and convenient though.
Reporting Power Outage Through Facebook
Like Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) page on facebook and shoot them your query. They’ll be happy to be of help.
How to Report a Power Outage Through SMS
Just send Stima#AccountNo#Description of Outage to 95551 e.g. Stima#2201116# No power in the house.
If all of the above methods fail, which is highly unlikely, you can visit this page to see other methods of contacting KPLC customer care.
my friend has no power
for last one week or so, in parts of Ongata rongai we are experiencing very unstable supply, it's on and off,sometimes dim,help us Kenya power, our properties will be damaged
Since friday in parts of bakarani bamburi we are experiencing power problems plz assist 37152622876
since early morning today no power 0251523-01, Camphor Road New Runda
371564572794 prepaid meter number no power for 3 days
Stima#371-566-04060#no power in house
My house and the rest in my area have been experiencing power outage continuosly,On sunday we had no power and it came back on Tuesday and unfortunately yesterday again it went off again and upto now nothing has been done,have tried to contact kplc but in vain.My account number is 04220058004 Mathare North Area 3
We have no power since yesterday 7.30p.m ,please attend.that is Karai area past Gikambura
No Power acct 14105331616
On Mayor Road, Ongata Rongai some have power others don't, it's always those on phase 3 that seem to have power outages, pls put us all on phase2 for stability we are loosing a lot of food stored in fridges ref. 2858182 since yesterday
#0107746# power fluctuation
Account No. 2628346-01 Near Nairobi North Geothermal Substation , Ndenderu has been without power since 20th of Aug. 2016. Tel. 0716 201000 0r 0716 415 516.
Today . Power has been on and off in umoja . what's happening ? We are in darkness .
No power in one street ruaka. Ac 14229157392. Kplc ataff on ground yesterday but did not fix…till now no one on site
No power in one street of Luckysummer since yesterday.Ac 22120577220
Lenana area power keeps going off and on kplc please let us know what's happening
Ruaka kahigo area no power from morning till now.whats happening.
Correction 95551 and not 9551.
Thanks. Noted. I am making the correction.
I am am dissapointed customer this morning. I reported power outage in my hous last night under reference 302285 till now no help and I have a stocked fridge and food will go stale. Getting to KPLC emergency line is hell of a problem really?? My prepaid meter has tokens its on but I dont have power. Surely, KPLC, why do you have to take my me through this? Am a very concerned customer.
No stima at ruaka kahigo area on ur way to 2hrs.kindly plz assit us.
Kindly whats happening at ruaka kahigo area no stima.assit us plz
No stima at garden estate from 1830hrs…please fix problems.
Absalom from garden estate nairobi
No stima Estate 24 kirichwa road
Power outage from time to time leading to loss this whole week. At mathari transformer (central)
stima#04203670999#no power since yesterday evening
No power since 6 pm last evening 4th January 2017 around the CDF hall Freretown and the surrounding neighbourhood in Kisauni,Mombasa.
Inspite of calls since,no response upto this 12 noon 5th January.
Not only inconvenience due to humidity,but loss of perishable foods in freezers and fridges.
Please do the necessary immediately
Kindly send your technicians to rectify the power outage at Freretown Kisuni,Mombasa around the CDF hall and its environs.
There has been no power in the neighbourhood since last night 7 pm 4th January.
No power in Kasarani yet there does not seem to be notice for outage!
no power in mutomo town kitui county for the last 24 hours!!
No electricity at Kwa Ngethe a few meters from Nakumatt Kahawa Wendani since yesterday. Account 14234582840
Whats Happeninf
No power in Karatina, Gathehu, Kariambi area since Saturday AC 3301796
There has been no lights in Kariambi since Saturday, AC 3301796
Now one week we dont have power after poles were changed along our line at Estate View Palestina area in Bamburi(Msikiti Noor cabro lane)
Kenya Power in Kitui, Mulango location wikililye sublimation,Kangalu village you are frastrating us for the last two days no electricity and that is the trend there is no electricity for better part of every week my meter no is 37165610132
No power in kamulu, joska, kware and maara for 2 days, and no one seems to respond to our calls, kplc urgently fix these power
Kplc need to do something on this power blackout in kamulu, joska and kware
3 days without power, and their technicians are enjoying the ride around the areas affected. KPLC give us good service
In south b,sore drive,golden gate road there are some house's with no power.KPLC kindly assist.
stima#2406134#no power in the house.
No power at Uhuru gardens estate,kindly do something
Stima#37163666219#no power since friday mtwapa equity bank
Stima#371636666219#no power since friday at mtwapa equity bank plz help
Stima#37163666219#no power since friday mtwapa equity bank plz help
Stima#37163666219#no power since friday mtwapa equity bank plz help
No power at tena eastend junior court in innercore , kindly assist
There is no electricity since yesterday at 9am in the morning near dagoreti high school and its environment please help blackout
Power suckes in Kenya. Every day it goes away. I am from Norway and I have never been without lggts. Here every fucking day in bamburi and Mtwapa
Kenya power sucks
Blackout due to Overhead cable fault which keeps exploding in South B, golden gate road/munyaka lane junction. Urgently attend
Ac no. 2218522 sparks at poll. Lights flickering in house and gone off.
No power in umoja inner core, kindly assist.
no power muthithi road broken power cable
No power in umoja Innercore since yesterday
No power in Kitengela for last 24hours, broken conductors at the transformer of Ndatani estate next to St Lilyiana school
Account no. 22045934
no power at Katani for the last 3days..meter number 14252027561
No power at morao upper side since Sunday kindly assist.
No power since yesterday 04218733758