If you are wondering how to redeem bonga points, you will be happy to know that it is as easy as 123. You should also be happy because unlike some of us, it means that you have not been redeeming them for things such as airtime and data every 2 days. What this means is that you have probably accumulated enough bonga points to redeem them for a phone, a tablet, or even a paid for trip.
Here are the steps you take …
- Dial *126#
- Reply with ‘2’ to redeem bonga points
- Reply with the corresponding number for whatever you want to redeem your points for. (For instance: 1 for free airtime, 2 for free minutes, 3 for free internet, 5 for free phones and tablets, 6 for Kenya Airways tickets and 7 for free MMS) All these can change at any time . It is therefore important to ensure that you confirm from your phone.
There you go. You now know how to redeem bonga points.
See Also: Safaricom Selfcare