Bop It! Beats from Hasbro was one of the toys that proved the most popular in Christmas 2018. It tops the list recently released by the Toys Retailers Association. Here are the Bop it! Beats features at a glance:
- It combines the Bop it! Game with your favorite music
- It comes with 5 commands that are executed by spinning the turntable clockwise, scratching it back and forth, spinning it clockwise, or flipping the game unit over
- It has 5 game modes: Classic, Classic Party, DJ, DJ Party or Remix
- Difficulty levels increase as the games modes progress
- Higher DJ games levels feature commands that are presented in lights
Bop It! Beats from Hasbro is a fast action game full of unpredictability to get you moving. Players are not only forced to think fast, they also need to react quickly. It has four songs that increase the challenge the reaction time while increasing the excitement.
Bop It! Beats Modes
Bop It! Beats has five modes: Classic, Classic Party, DJ, DJ Party and Remix. Classic is all about action and reaction and is just like how Bop it! was before. Things get a little complicated in the DJ mode. This is where you are given a series of commands in sequence. Extra points are earned when the commands are repeated correctly on the beat. This unlocks different songs as well as modes. It becomes more challenging as you improve.
There are no spoken commands with the remix mode, so just have fun and put your personal touch on the beats by adding the “spin it,” “scratch it,” and “reverse it” sounds.
Bop It! Beats Commands
The game utilizes 5 commands: Bop It, Scratch It, Spin It and Reverse. There is also a “Repeat” which calls for the repeat of the last performed command.
There are three levels, Rookie, Expert and Lights Only.
Bop It! Beats Pros
1. It is challenging, addictive, and fun experience
2. It adds a twist to the Bot it! Game by including such songs as “Pound the Alarm” by Nicki Minaj, and “Levels” by Avicii
3. It is very unpredictable; you never know what’s coming next or the beats you’ll be following
4. The game starts off easy, gets more complicated and challenging; you can choose the level of difficulty
Bop It! Beats Cons
The game always plays the same song when starting a new game. Though it is a perfect song for the game, Pound the Alarm and Levels can get a little annoying and repetitive.
Bop It! Beats Insider Tip
Here’s how you execute the commands:
· Bop It – hit the black button that sticks out of the side
· Spin It – spin the turntable clockwise
· Scratch It – swipe the turntable in one direction and then in the opposite direction
· Reverse It – spin the turntable counterclockwise)
· Flip It – flip the turntable over completely
· Repeat It – repeat the last action that you did
Bop it! Beats game is a perfect gift for a teen. With the five modes, five commands and the three difficulty levels, it is sure to provide so much fun and excitement, features that earned this game a spot on the list of 12 most popular toys for Christmas 2018.
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