Ailipu Egg Boiler Review

Boiling an egg is the easiest recipe. Or so you’ve been made to believe for the longest time. You just need three minutes to soft boil and about five minutes for a hard boiled egg. Simple, right? Wrong!

I don’t know about you but though I occasionally get it right, many are times when my boiled eggs come out undercooked and runny, or cracked and messy. Boiling an egg is a science, and Ailipu has all the elements.

Egg Boiler

With the Ailipu egg boiler, your eggs will always come out perfectly; you know like the ones sold by venders in the streets? Yeah, like those. Here are the key featiures that makes this appliance a must have in your kitchen:

  • The heating plate is made of stainless steel which makes it very easy to clean
  • It is easy to operate
  • Over temperature protection functions and automatic power turn-off ensure safe operation
  • A high quality gadget with a sleek design
  • The nutrition content of the egg is preserved. They are kept soft and fresh throughout the cooking process
  • Indicator light will show when the water is all used up 

With the Ailipu egg boiler, you can cook 7 eggs at a go. The convenient three settings let you cook soft, middle hard or hard eggs. Breakfast will never be the same. 

You can check out the egg boiler on Jumia Kenya now by following the link. Order to have it delivered to you in any part of Kenya. You can choose to pay on delivery.

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